DevOps Transformation Day

The DevOps Transformation Day

By joining DevOpsCon’s Transformation Day, you’ll get a comprehensive insight into all the necessary aspects to make a DevOps transformation in your organization successful. As many DevOps efforts struggle with developing an appropriate company culture, DevOpsCon’s Transformation Day focuses on become more agile, as an entire organization. You will not only get valuable insights into many theoretical aspects of a DevOps transformation, but you’ll learn by practical examples how to encourage a sustainable culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing.


We are still working on the program of the DevOpsCon Transformation Day 2022 in London, please stay tuned!


@jpaulreed and @markusandrezak do a cool trick of merging workshops to bring even more value to attendees. It worked really well! @devops_con #devops

— Hades Architect (@HadesArchitect) May 31, 2018

DevOps Transformation Day with @jpaulreed! A comprehensive overview of the complex, encompassing DevOps landscape; hands-on exercises to rethink organization’s challenges through DevOps lens & tools to kick-start DevOps adoption. #DevOpsCon18

— Devops Con (@devops_con) 28. Mai 2018

The dirty secret about “DevOps culture”

Interview with Paul Reed:

DevOps has gone through many phases so far but its transformation is not yet completed. DevOpsCon speaker Paul Reed tells us that many companies have embraced DevOps and, if we look closely enough, we will discover that we can apply aspects from humanity’s other “operational” efforts to DevOps.

Read more

Transformation Day 2022 Program in London

Program of the Transformation Day 2022 in New York

Transformation Day Berlin 2025

Transformation Day’s Program will be live soon!

Stay Tuned:

Behind the Tracks


Kubernetes Ecosystem

Docker, Kubernetes & Co

Microservices & Software Architecture

Maximize development productivity

Continuous Delivery & Automation

Build, test and deploy agile

Cloud Platforms & Serverless

Cloud-based & native apps

Observability & Monitoring

Monitor, analyze, and optimize


DevSecOps for safer applications

Business & Company Culture

Radically optimize IT

Exclusive benefits


Interactive sessions



Experienced speakers and experts




Sessions providing the latest trends & insights




Exchange with peers