Power Workshops

DevOpsCon - The Conference for CI/CD, the Kubernetes ecosystem,
Agile & Lean Business

Workshops DevOps Style

Kubernetes, security, monitoring, traceability & diagnostics, CI/CD or live coding – we have it all! Every DevOpsCon workshop is designed to implement or develop new ideas in just one day and receive direct feedback and support from the professionals and the community. The focus here is on bringing people and technology from different industries together and boost their creativity. The workshops are therefore the ultimate booster to power up your DevOps practices. In addition to the sessions and keynotes, you will spend the workshop working closely with the best to broaden your knowledge and improve your skillset.

Power Workshops San Diego 2024

Power Workshops Munich 2024

Power Workshops London 2024

Power Workshops DevOpsCon Berlin 2024

Power Workshops DevOpsCon New York 2024

DevOpsCon Singapore Workshops 2024