Kubernetes Bootcamp:
From Beginner to Master in 2 Days

Accelerate your Kubernetes journey and achieve
operational excellence in just 2 days

December 5 – 6, 2024 | Munich


Grasp the fundamentals of Kubernetes
and its real-world applications

Build and deploy containerized applications
efficiently with Kubernetes

Become proficient in managing and
scaling complex Kubernetes environments

Kubernetes Training für Fortgeschrittene

Dieses Devops Training geht über die Grundlagen hinaus: Es vertieft Ihr Wissen und Verständnis komplexe Container-Orchestrierungsprobleme zu lösen und moderne Cloud-Anwendungen erfolgreich zu betreiben.

Im K8s-Camp wird Kubernetes als Programmierschnittstelle und als Rechenzentrum betrachtet. Sie schauen sich fortgeschrittene Anwendungsfälle an und lernen alles zu Optimierung und Automatisierung.

Nächster Termin:
14. – 16. Oktober 2024, München
Frühbucherrabatt: Bis zum 5. September anmelden und bis zu 350 € sparen!
Teamrabatt: Min. 3 Kolleg:innen anmelden und 100 € zusätzlich sparen!
Years of IT Conferences
Years of DevOps Conferences

Bootcamp Program Day 1

Cluster Setup
Options: web-based cluster & local cluster (minikube/Docker Desktop)
explore Kubernetes tools
Kubernetes Fundamentals
Security: authentication, authorization
Container images: building with Docker, using registries
Basic concepts: namespaces, pods, etcd, controller manager, scheduler, API server, kubelet
Networking: internal & external application access
Troubleshooting: interactive containers
Running Applications
Deploying: using container images, scaling with replica sets
Ensuring health: healthcheck probes
Problem-solving skills
Develop the ability to troubleshoot and optimize Kubernetes clusters.
Kubernetes API & Configuration
Managing configuration: YAML manifests
Deeper dive into Kubernetes API

Bootcamp Program Day 2

Managing HTTP traffic: Kubernetes Ingress
Handling complex applications and microservices
Volumes and Configuration
Configuring applications: ConfigMaps, Secrets Data persistence: Pods, volumes, persistent volumes, persistent volume claims, storage classes
Managing application lifecycles
Zero downtime updates: Deployment strategies

Participated in the Past

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Technical Requirements

  • A working knowledge of Git as a version control system and comfort with the command line is highly recommended
  • Please bring your own laptop equipped with a web browser and git tools to fully engage in the practical exercises
  • For those who prefer to use their own machine instead of a workshop cluster, please prepare Docker Desktop or another local Kubernetes setup

Didactic & Practical Relevance:

  • Presentations
  • Discussions
  • Live coding
  • Building on previous knowledge
  • High proportion of exercies
  • Own clusters
  • Individual training process


    • Container-based example setups
    • Labs instructions for easy
    • Implementation of practical exercies
    • Cheat sheets as a quick reference


Day 1

Getting a cluster
  • You will be provided with different options to get a cluster in order to participate in all Kubernetes practice labs
  • Every participant will have the option to use a web based workshop cluster which is especially suitable for participants with enterprise managed notebooks
  • A local cluster with minikube or Docker Desktop is a good way for revisiting the workshop labs later on
  • We will also look into various tools that make working with Kubernetes easier
Accessing your cluster
  • Security is important, so no cluster can be accessed without authentication and authorization
  • How that is implemented in Kubernetes lays a good foundation to handle multiple clusters in parallel
Building application images
  • Kubernetes uses container images to provide workload for the cluster
  • You will build your own images using Docker and Dockerfiles
  • We will use these images in the cluster later on to show various important operational aspects
  • Images are distributed using container registries
Fundamental Kubernetes concepts
  • We will understand how Kubernetes is organized using namespaces
  • Our first workload will be a simple pod to avoid unnecessary complexity
  • Important elements of the architecture of Kubernetes like etcd, controller manager, scheduler, api server and kubelet will be visited in detail
  • We will learn how to interact with network applications inside Kubernes
  • … and how to access them from outside the cluster
  • For diagnosis we will run interactive containers inside the cluster
Running your applications
  • Now it is time to run our own applications which is a good opportunity to quickly revisit the basics
  • We use the container image we built earlier and even scale it to multiple relicas which leads to the concept of replica sets
  • Using healthcheck probes we will ensure that our customers will only reach healthy instances
Using Kubernetes resources
  • Kubernetes is API centric and with our freshly acquired understanding of the architecture and building blocks we are well prepared to dive into the Kubernetes API in more detail
  • You will learn how to manage the configuration of your application using YAML manifests and how to work with them

Day 2

  • Many APIs and web applications are based on the HTTP protocol. With the Kubernetes ingress concept you will manage the access efficiently
  • With these elements we look into running more complex applications or microbased services
Volumes and configuration
  • Kubernetes provides various ways to handle configuration and secret data
  • We will work with config maps, secrets and how they can be used for pods
  • One concept with high abstraction level is the Kubernetes Deployment
  • We will use it to manage multiple versions of our application and to roll out updates without any downtime
  • We need to persist our state outside of a pod to preserve it in case of planned updates or even failures
  • We will lean how persistent volumes and persistent volume claims work
  • With storage classes we can provide different kinds of storage in a well defined manner


Thomas Kruse

Thomas Kruse began his career in 1998 as a freelance consultant. Today, he is Managing Director of trion development GmbH and supports companies as an architect and coach for projects that use Java technologies. His focus is on Java-based web applications, HTML5 web front-ends and performance optimization. In his spare time, he is involved in open source projects and organizes the Java User Group in Münster.

Take your Kubernetes Bootcamp experience to the next level by adding DevOpsCon to your schedule. This conference offers a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and see how your Kubernetes skills integrate with broader DevOps strategies. By attending, you’ll gain valuable insights, network with industry leaders, and explore cutting-edge tools and methodologies that complement your intensive training. Enhance your learning journey and walk away with a comprehensive understanding that sets you apart in the DevOps field.

Enhance your DevOpsCon experience by adding an additional 2-day intensive Kubernetes Bootcamp* to your ticket—an unparalleled opportunity to deepen your expertise while immersed in learning. Gain practical Kubernetes skills that perfectly complement the insights and strategies shared at the conference. This hands-on camp will solidify your understanding and give you the confidence to implement Kubernetes solutions immediately. Maximize your conference experience by joining the camp and walk away with actionable knowledge that sets you apart.

DevOpsCon Camp

Diese Organisationen lernen bereits mit der entwickler.de Akademie

DevOps-Trainings im Überblick

Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme am Kubernetes Camp – Advanced ist grundlegendes Verständnis der Kubernetes-Architektur, der wichtigsten Konzepte und der grundlegenden Befehle haben. Vorkenntnisse mit Kubernetes Fundamentals Training oder gleichwertigen Erfahrungen sind von Vorteil, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich. Fehlt Ihnen das noch, dann starten Sie doch mit dem Kubernetes Camp – Basic.


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Yvonne Preuß
Leiterin entwickler.de Akademie
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