Superpower yourself with the brand new Agents of DevOps by your side! Cpt. Marvellous, Samuel L. as a Service, Doctor Serverless, Container Raccoon, Siloki, Groanin’ the Accuser, Observision and more!
Superpower yourself with the brand new Agents of DevOps by your side! Cpt. Marvellous, Samuel L. as a Service, Doctor Serverless, Container Raccoon, Siloki, Groanin’ the Accuser, Observision and more!
What the log?! Sometimes mistakes happen, it is normal. And sometimes applications and systems crash, we’ve all been there. And usually DevOps people get things running smoothly in no time. This is especially true, if you can leverage the help of The Logger and Eagle Eye. While The Logger makes sure that every critical information is available, Eagle Eye uses his monitoring powers to observe the entire system. But to be prepared for literally ANYTHING that can happen, Observision needs to be part of your Dream Team, too! He does not simply view the system from the outside, he is on the inside, observing every little process. With these superheroes, what could possibly go wrong? After our first Agents of DevOps Cheat Sheet, we are back with the second part: The Age of Cultron. Meet our expanded list of heroes and super villains: Cpt. Marvellous, Samuel L. as a Service, Doctor Serverless, Container Raccoon, Siloki, Groanin’ the Accuser, Observision, The Logger, Eagle Eye and of course Cultron!
The core of our fourth issue of DevOps Magazine is “Keep it simple, stupid” (KISS). This simple wisdom can save you a lot of trouble, hassle, distress and ultimately work. Read more about it in the DevOpsCon Magazine #4.
Superpower yourself with the Agents of DevOps by your side! CPT. Automata, Scrum-Lord, Monolith Smasher, Thundor-God of Cloud Computing and more!
SRE in a nutshell
SRE Principles
Best Practices