Downloads – DevOpsCon Magazine

Keep Calm & CI/CD

In our first ever issue of DevOps Magazine the focus is on continuous integration and continuous delivery. Seven experts weigh in on the ever-increasing importance of CI/CD and talk about the current state of play as well as look at what the future will bring. With an SRE infographic, articles on building a strong CI/CD pipeline, AIOps and more, and an interview about “cloud paranoia”, this is one magazine that you don’t want to miss out on.

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Downloads – DevOpsCon Magazine

Keep Calm & CI/CD

In our first ever issue of DevOps Magazine the focus is on continuous integration and continuous delivery. Seven experts weigh in on the ever-increasing importance of CI/CD and talk about the current state of play as well as look at what the future will bring. With an SRE infographic, articles on building a strong CI/CD pipeline, AIOps and more, and an interview about “cloud paranoia”, this is one magazine that you don’t want to miss out on.

Please choose the location you would like to receive our newsletter for and download the Magazine for free!

Register now for the Newsletter and get the Magazine for free!

Whitepaper Content

  • Continuous Delivery Expert Check 2020
  • 6 ways DevOps automation will change in 2020
  • How all the pieces fit together
  • AIOps in 2020
  • Site Reliability Engineering
  • Lifting up junior team members in 5 Steps
  • No more “Cloud Paranoia”
  • Going Native
  • Service Mesh vs. Framework
  • For a safer Kubernetes…

Register now for the Newsletter and get the Whitepaper for free!

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