Advisory Board Berlin

DevOps Conference, June 16 - 20, 2025 | online
The Conference for Continuous Delivery, Microservices,
Docker, Clouds and Lean Business

Program Chair of the DevOpsCon Berlin

Sebastian Meyen

Software & Support Media

Sebastian Meyen is Chief Content Officer at S&S Media. He has been actively involved with the IT industry for more than twenty years. As a journalist he is constantly in touch with thought leaders in software development and architecture. He is editor in chief of the German speaking Java Magazin and program chair of the JAX conferences since 2001. Prior to joining S&S Media, he studied philosophy and anthropology in Frankfurt, Germany.

Advisory Board

Nir Koren

Live Person

Passionate CI/CD Team Leader at LivePerson with more than ten years of experience in implementing CI/CD processes and also in lecturing and training DevOps engineers and developers in those areas.

Michael Hofmann

Hofmann IT-Consulting

Michael Hofmann ist freiberuflich als Architekt, Berater und Entwickler tätig. Seine Projekterfahrung sammelt er seit mehr als 2 Dekaden im deutschen und internationalen Umfeld, vornehmlich in den Bereichen Softwarearchitektur, Java Enterprise und DevOps. Seit 2015 beschäftigt er sich verstärkt mit den Themen rund um Microservices-Architekturen. Neben seinen Projekteinsätzen ist er als Referent auf diversen Konferenzen oder als Autor von Fachartikeln und Büchern tätig (aktuelles eBook: “Von Monolithen und Microservices: Funktionierende Microservices-Architekturen erstellen”).

Erkan Yanar


Erkan Yanar beschäftigt sich seit dem letzten Jahrtausend mit Linux. Er ist freiberuflicher Consultant mit den Schwerpunkten MySQL, Containervirtualisierung, DevOps und OpenStack. Wenn er nicht bei einem Kunden ist, veröffentlicht er in Fachzeitschriften oder hält Vorträge auf Konferenzen.

Markus Andrezak

überproduct GmbH

Markus Andrezak is involved in the development of products as well as innovation, big and small. He is the founder of überproduct, a small product, innovation and strategy consultancy. He also hosts the business podcast „Stories Connecting Dots”.

Kristen Womack

Co-founder of Hello Mom

Kristen is an award-winning product leader, team builder, and technology consultant in Minneapolis. She is the founder of Hello Mom, co-founder of Hack the Gap, an advisor to the Everyday Miracles board of directors and the founder and principal of Night Sky Web Co. Previously, she was the head of the API Developer Program at Best Buy, the Director of Product at LeadPages, co-organizer of Product Tank Twin Cities, Co-ambassador of the Twin Cities Geekettes, and a founding board member of Mpls MadWomen. She is a sought-after writer and speaker on issues ranging from API development to team management, and is a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion in the tech world.

Julia Wester

co-founder 55 Degrees AB

Julia Wester is a co-founder of 55 Degrees AB, an outcome-focused consulting company and Atlassian Solution Partner in southern Sweden. Julia leads the consulting practice, leveraging her 18 years of experience working in and managing high-performing teams at companies such as Turner Broadcasting, F5 Networks, and LeanKit. She is passionate about teaching others how to tame the chaos of everyday work by embracing transparency, continuous improvement, and a lagom mindset. She also loves talking about how management doesn’t have to be a dirty word. Julia blogs at and tweets at @everydaykanban. Find out more about her company, 55 Degrees, at

Stay tuned:

Behind the Tracks


Kubernetes Ecosystem

Docker, Kubernetes & Co

Microservices & Software Architecture

Entwicklungsproduktivität maximieren

Continuous Delivery & Automation

Agile bauen, testen und bereitstellen

Cloud Platforms

Cloud-basierte & Native Apps

Monitoring, Traceability & Diagnostics

Komplexität von Microservices im Griff haben


DevSecOps für sicherere Applikationen

Business & Company Culture

IT drastisch optimieren

Organizational Change

Overcome obstacles on the way towards DevOps

Live Demo #slideless

Showing how technology really works