
One of the most important DevOps trends today is the ambition to include security aspects throughout the entire lifecycle of an application. “DevSecOps” is the battle cry to tear down the silos of isolated security departments, which are too often involved too late in the development process in order to care for the security of the systems.

In addition to this “security shift left”, the DevOpsCon Security track provides valuable hands-on sessions to help you identify and fix weaknesses in your IT systems. There will also be a special focus on the specific security requirements in the context of cloud, container and microservices.

Track Speakers DevOpsCon Singapore 2021

Track Speakers London

Track Speakers DevOpsCon Berlin 2022

Track Speakers DevOpsCon New York 2024

Track Speakers DevOpsCon Munich 2022

Track Program DevOpsCon Munich 2022

Global Track Program

Track Program London 2023

Track Program DevOpsCon Singapore 2021

Track Program DevOpsCon Berlin 2022

Dear visitor, we are still working on the program of DevOpsCon Berlin 2022. The DevSecOps sessions are not announced yet. Please visit our program page to see all other talks. You can find the program by clicking here.

Track Program DevOpsCon New York 2024

At the moment we are working on this part of the program. You can visit here the new program of theDevOpsCon New York 2022.

Track Sessions London 2024

Track Sessions London 2024

View all sessions

Track Sessions San Diego 2024

Track Sessions San Diego 2024

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Track Sessions Berlin 2024

Track Sessions Berlin 2024

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Track Sessions New York 2024

Track Sessions New York 2024

View all sessions

Track Sessions Munich 2024

Track Sessions München 2024

View all sessions

Track Sessions Singapore 2024

Track Sessions Singapore 2024

View all sessions

Stay tuned:

Behind the Tracks


Kubernetes Ecosystem

Docker, Kubernetes & Co

Microservices & Software Architecture

Maximize development productivity

Continuous Delivery & Automation

Build, test and deploy agile

Cloud Platforms & Serverless

Cloud-based & native apps

Monitoring, Traceability & Diagnostics

Handle the complexity of microservices applications


DevSecOps for safer applications

Business & Company Culture

Radically optimize IT

Organizational Change

Overcome obstacles on the road to DevOps

Live Demo #slideless

Showing how technology really works