Devopscon November 2017

DevOps Transformation Day: Everything you need to Succeed [SOLD OUT]

Building Self-Healing Systems Workshop [SOLD OUT]

Viktor Farcic CloudBees

Hands-on Introduction to Kubernetes Workshop [SOLD OUT]

Workshop: Running Production Microservices

Welcome and Opening of DevOpsCon 2017

Better Software Development Systems through Stress - the hidden Ingredient behind Learning and Continuous Improvement

Practical, Team-focused Operability Techniques for Distributed Systems

Become a Cloud-Native: Java Development in the Age of the Whale

Problems you’ll face in the Microservices World: Configuration, Authentication ...

Run Container in Production

A question of trust: When good containers go bad

Go and AWS Lambda – a perfect Match

Implementing DevOps Strategies in DevOps averse environments

Secret Management in Containers

Does it always have to be Docker & Kubernetes?!

How the DevOps/Lean/Agile triad enables swift, unerring and resource-efficient solutions

"Failure” as Success: The Mindset, the Methods, and the Landmines

Deployment Pipelines in the Enterprise

Devs fight your Battle! A Pledge for cross-functional Teams

Moderne Applikations-Automatisierung mit Chef

Scale and performance don’t have to be at crossroads anymore

Ein neues Konzept für Storage in der DevOps-Cloud

Understand your New School (containerized) Operating System

Hands-on: Docker-Security

Cloud-native Continuous Delivery

Four Principles for Driving the Creation of Valuable Software

"Failure” as Success: The Mindset, the Methods, and the Landmines

Infrastructure as Code: Build Pipelines with Docker and Terraform

Kubernetes Patterns

Introducing Log Analysis to your Organization

DevOpsCon Open Space

Adopting DevOps? You are aiming at the wrong target!

Best Practices for Securing Containerized Applications

Is Platform Engineering the new Ops?

HandsOn Linuxkit: Next Step Immutable Infrastrukture

Developer Empowerment - Production Deployment DIY

Creating a blame-free DevOps culture with next-generation monitoring

Docker Container in the Microsoft Universe

Viele Microservices - Ein verbindendes Datenaustauschmodell

Dashboards and Culture: How Openness changes your Behaviour

Configuration Management par excellence: Kuberenetes Cluster in Production in 300 seconds

Fueling Digital Transformations with DevOps

DevOps Teams and the Future Backward

Serverless - Lessons learned

Continuous Security in the Cloud

Application Monitoring with Application Insights

Nightmares of a Container Orchestration System

Database Schema Migrations with Zero Downtime

Continuous Delivery mit GitLab CI und Kubernetes

Logging in the age of Microservices and the Cloud

From 0 to 100 - OpenShift, Kubernetes and Docker for budding DevOps specialists

Workshop: Zero Downtime Deployment with Ansible [SOLD OUT]