Part 3: Data on Kubernetes Served with Love <br/>
What can we accomplish as a community when we work together? If the Apache Cassandra community is any proof, quite a bit. We’ve built a pretty amazing database over the past 10+ years. We’ve also helped each other when learning how to...
Managing data at scale is a big challenge. Aside from simply having lots of data, we have to be able to use it effectively over time. How we index our data can make it easier to use, but that indexing approach can evolve over time based on what we want...
The history of endpoint security has gone through many stages. Yet, in 2021, our tools and processes are no longer necessarily appropriate to the threats. A new generation is needed to address current threats. One possible solution is XDR - Extended Detection and Response.
Over the past twenty years, there have been several big trends in distributed computing. Today, we have more developers using microservices designs to decompose applications into smaller and more manageable units. Apache Cassandra was built for cloud data and is now becoming the choice of developers for cloud native applications.