

Cloud-native applications and data with Kubernetes and Apache Cassandra — Part 3

Part 3: Data on Kubernetes Served with Love
What can we accomplish as a community when we work together? If the Apache Cassandra community is any proof, quite a bit. We’ve built a pretty amazing database over the past 10+ years. We’ve also helped each other when learning how to run large scale distributed systems and we’ve been busy lately! I want to tell you about something to make your cloud-native data easy. A complete solution for Cassandra and Kubernetes that we are calling K8ssandra [1]. A collection of everything needed to run Cassandra wrapped up neatly in a Helm [2] chart.

Stay tuned:

Behind the Tracks


Kubernetes Ecosystem

Docker, Kubernetes & Co

Microservices & Software Architecture

Maximize development productivity

Continuous Delivery & Automation

Build, test and deploy agile

Cloud Platforms & Serverless

Cloud-based & native apps

Monitoring, Traceability & Diagnostics

Handle the complexity of microservices applications


DevSecOps for safer applications

Business & Company Culture

Radically optimize IT

Organizational Change

Overcome obstacles on the road to DevOps

Live Demo #slideless

Showing how technology really works