


Continuous Deployment with Docker Swarm

In the DevOps environment, Docker can no longer be reduced only to a container runtime. An application that is divided into several microservices has greater orchestration requirements instead of simple scripts. For this, Docker has introduced the service abstraction Docker Swarm to help orchestrate containers across multiple hosts.

Kubernetes basics: How to build up-to-date (container) applications

A system such as Kubernetes can be viewed from different angles. Some think of it in terms of infrastructure, as the successor to OpenStack, although the infrastructure is cloud-agnostic. For others, it is a platform which makes it easier to orchestrate microservice architectures — or cloud-native architectures, as they are called nowadays — to deploy applications more easily, plus making them more resilient and scalable.

Stay tuned:

Behind the Tracks


Kubernetes Ecosystem

Docker, Kubernetes & Co

Microservices & Software Architecture

Maximize development productivity

Continuous Delivery & Automation

Build, test and deploy agile

Cloud Platforms & Serverless

Cloud-based & native apps

Monitoring, Traceability & Diagnostics

Handle the complexity of microservices applications


DevSecOps for safer applications

Business & Company Culture

Radically optimize IT

Organizational Change

Overcome obstacles on the road to DevOps

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