Archive Munich 2019

DevOpsCon Munich 2019 2 - 5 December

Program of DevOpsCon Munich 2019

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Teams, what’s in it for me?

Ben Linders, Ben Linders Consulting
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Wrap-up: Discussion and Q&A with the Speakers of the Day

Ben Linders, Ben Linders Consulting
René Lippert, Lufthansa Systems GmbH & Co. KG
Artur Margonari, InspirationOwl
Adam Nowak, Netguru
Eveline Oehrlich, Independent
Kamil Puk, Netguru
Julia Wester, 55 Degrees AB
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Code Automation with Bitbucket

Michael Dowden, Andromeda Galactic Solutions
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Agile for Remote Teams

Michael Dowden, Andromeda Galactic Solutions