
How we killed DevOps by creating a dedicated DevOps team

In his session at DevOpsCon 2019 Adam Nowak reported about his personal developer experience regarding DevOps.

Sep 27, 2019

Implementing DevOps in your own company is usually not an easy task. In his session at the DevOpsCon 2019 Adam Nowak told his story about DevOps. Decorated with numerous practical examples he showed how DevOps can be implemented after all.

In his session at DevOpsCon 2019 Adam Nowak reported about his personal experience regarding DevOps. In the past, his company had only developers but no “Ops” role. However, they made the decision to change this and took a very risky path, with many technical, personal, and cultural obstacles. This is a story about money, expectations, tickets, sweat and long working hours to make everyone happy. In his talk, Adam Nowak discusses some real scenarios and shows how he and his team dealt with them. Above all, he wants to make clear that there are often teams even in your own company that direct concentration and energy in the wrong direction.

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