
Peace through nonviolent communication

For a healthy work environment

Jan 20, 2020

Nonviolent communication will help you communicate with your coworkers in a manner that enables productivity and helps you understand how their unmet needs might lead to negative interactions. Successful communication is a huge part of a project’s success – everyone on the team can benefit from NVC. In her session from DevOpsCon 2019 in Berlin, Casie Siekman shows you how it is done.

Nonviolent Communication is based on the idea that all human beings have the capacity for compassion and only resort to violence or behavior that harms others when they don’t recognize more effective strategies for meeting their needs. Especially in our technological industry, there are many chances for miscommunication which can lead to all parties feeling dissatisfied. Unspoken expectations, ignored feelings, and accusatory or aggressive language can bring an otherwise productive team to a halt. This presentation will show you how to be aware of yourself, how your actions affect others, and how to deal with and understand others that may be negatively affecting you.


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