This article discusses the challenges and pain points that may arise when migrating a legacy software application to the cloud from the ground up. I had the pleasure of being a part of such an adventure two years ago. The goal was to run a successful proof of concept by...
The growing market share of cloud systems clearly shows that an increasing number of software systems are being operated in the cloud. As a prerequisite, more and more developments are cloud-native. The term Dev(Ops) Experience Cloud-Native refers to "development for the cloud" and "deployment in the cloud." Sometimes it's difficult...
<div style="text-align: justify;">Today’s data landscape is overflowing with complex and sophisticated architectures, which can help you dynamically customize your digital ecosystem according to your project requirements and needs. Unfortunately, managing complex cloud architectures can be a difficult task, especially if you are trained to use one cloud vendor and not...
<div style="text-align: justify;">AWS Lambda provides serverless computing in the form of functions as a service (FaaS). This means you can leverage on-demand infrastructure without the need for provisioning and hardware maintenance. Overall, Lambda is a great service for real-time data processing and backends. However, to achieve optimal performance you need...
DevOps stresses the importance of breaking down silos. The truth is that you can’t actually get rid of silos; you can only realign them. Much of the anxiety caused by controversial topics such as “Enterprise DevOps” and “DevOps teams” reflects an incomplete understanding of the nature of large, complex organizations.
As more organizations adopt DevOps automation and strategies, usage of automation evolves. In 2020, there are several changes you are apt to see, such as seamless infrastructure, AI and data science collaborations, zero-touch automation, and more. Read on to discover what are the biggest automation trends of 2020, and how...
DevOps is a software development strategy that combines development and operations teams. It typically emphasizes agile methodologies, automation, and continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD). It is designed to produce and release quality software at high speed. In this article, you will learn about various methods of securing your <a...
The right time for Production Readiness Reviews and the start of production is not always clear. We spoke with Jaana B. Dogan, Software Engineer at Google, at DevOpsCon 2019 about when you are "production ready", what that actually means and when is the right time for Production Readiness Reviews.
Nonviolent communication will help you communicate with your coworkers in a manner that enables productivity and helps you understand how their unmet needs might lead to negative interactions. Successful communication is a huge part of a project’s success – everyone on the team can benefit from NVC. In her session...
Implementing DevOps in your own company is usually not an easy task. In his session at the DevOpsCon 2019 Adam Nowak told his story about DevOps. Decorated with numerous practical examples he showed how DevOps can be implemented after all.