


Is Infrastructure As Code The Key To Moving DevOps Beyond ClickOps?

Even in the cloud-native world, we can’t avoid dealing with infrastructure. What's worse, approaches such as microservices mean that some amount of responsibility for infrastructure is shifting to the project team. In this article, we’ll show that we as developers shouldn’t be afraid of infrastructure. Quite the opposite, with infrastructure as code, we can reuse much of our existing knowledge and put it to good use.

The Observability Myth

A new term is making its way through the grapevine via conferences, Slack channels and Microsoft teams: observability. Just like DevOps, observability has the potential to turn conventional role models on their head and make a significant impact on IT. Observability brings transparency to application landscapes and, among other things, shifts responsibility for application monitoring towards application developers. Ideally, all members of the development team work together with operations towards the common goal of observability.

Let Microservices Communicate Cleanly With CQRS and Event Sourcing

Distributed systems are complicated. Any software architecture who has ever built a distributed system rarely denies this. But the question arises: how complicated are these systems? Many programmers and those responsible in companies have an exaggerated fear of them. After all, all computer programs are complicated, or they become so over time, even if fans of low-code ideas might sometimes dispute this. This article is not about whether distributed systems should be avoided in general (certainly not!), but about why they become complicated and how you can avoid this.

Domain Driven DevOps Demystified

DevOps was set in motion in 2008 with the encounter of two people at an Agile conference in Toronto: Andrew Clay Shafer and Patrick Debois came together in a meetup on the topic of "Agile Infrastructure". Later, the term DevOps was coined for the better collaboration between developers and operations teams.

Progressing Continuous Delivery

Progressive delivery decouples code deployment and feature release. This is enabled through well-proven techniques to provide product owners, delivery, and system reliability engineering (SRE) teams with significantly more control and flexibility in their value streams. High-performing delivery teams are driven by curiosity and this means ongoing customer experimentation. But how do we achieve this at pace and without destabilizing our systems?

Common Cloud Migration Pain Points and How to Tackle Them

This article discusses the challenges and pain points that may arise when migrating a legacy software application to the cloud from the ground up. I had the pleasure of being a part of such an adventure two years ago. The goal was to run a successful proof of concept by migrating a nearly thirty-year-old software application (along with additional services) to Azure and demonstrating its operational performance. It was a journey filled with pitfalls, despair, and new discoveries every day. In retrospect, it was a very instructive experience that you most likely don't want to miss out on in your life.

Dev(Ops) Experience Cloud-Native

The growing market share of cloud systems clearly shows that an increasing number of software systems are being operated in the cloud. As a prerequisite, more and more developments are cloud-native. The term Dev(Ops) Experience Cloud-Native refers to "development for the cloud" and "deployment in the cloud." Sometimes it's difficult to tell whether something is more Dev or more Ops, which is why we talk about the Dev(Ops) Experience.

Stay tuned:

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Monitoring, Traceability & Diagnostics

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