Containerization & the Kubernetes Ecosystem

Attend this track at DevOpsCon or explore our Kubernetes training (in German only) for beginners and advanced users.

Demystifying Kubernetes: Pods, Deployments, and Services

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, the need for efficient and scalable application deployment and management has become a paramount concern. As applications grew more complex, spanning multiple services and components, the traditional monolithic approach became increasingly cumbersome and inflexible. The rise of microservices brought about numerous benefits,...

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Business & Company Culture

Navigate the Human Side of DevOps.

Cloud Platforms

Scale Your Cloud Apps with Terraform, Serverless & beyond.

DevSecOps & Cloud Security

Secure DevOps from code to cloud with shift-left practices and AI.

Containerization & the Kubernetes ecosystem

Kubernetes: from fundamentals to advanced edge deployments.

Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery

Automate Your Processes: Build High-Performance CI/CD Pipelines.

System Design & Software Architecture

Build scalable microservices with cutting-edge tools and patterns.

Observability & Service Mesh

Discover how tools like Grafana, Cilium, and OpenTelemetry can transform app data.