
DevOps Conference
The Conference for Continuous Delivery, Microservices,
Containers, Clouds & Lean Business


How Agility helps you help yourself

The world has become more complicated, and not just since the onset of the pandemic. Simultaneously, increasing complexity requires a more flexible approach to projects, specifically in the development and IT fields. The notion of agile development is not new. It offers an opportunity to better position oneself to transition from reactivity back to proactivity, especially during turbulent times. Scrum in particular continues to prove itself as a crisis-proof companion.

KISS of Death by Complexity?

KISS means: Keep it simple, stupid! In other words: Don't make it unnecessarily complicated. That sounds good and desirable. But don't we tend to do the opposite in practice? If you look around, we are up to our necks in complexity. Instead of doing something about it, we are busy piling on new concepts, tools, and technologies every day, driven by hype and hopes for patent remedies. Time for a critical look.

AWS Auto Scaling: Getting it Right

AWS Auto Scaling lets you automatically scale AWS resources up and down. AWS Auto Scaling comes with a single user console interface, which enables you to configure auto scaling across multiple AWS resources and services, for entire applications or individual resources.

Next Level Automation

DevOps for Machine Learning, or MLOps, is new on the scene. The differences between MLOps and mainstream DevOps practices are not yet widely understood. We can understand MLOps practices better by looking at the needs that drive them. Let’s consider what we see in advanced MLOps projects and what needs drive that complexity.

Cloud-native applications and data with Kubernetes and Apache Cassandra — Part 3

Part 3: Data on Kubernetes Served with Love
What can we accomplish as a community when we work together? If the Apache Cassandra community is any proof, quite a bit. We’ve built a pretty amazing database over the past 10+ years. We’ve also helped each other when learning how to run large scale distributed systems and we’ve been busy lately! I want to tell you about something to make your cloud-native data easy. A complete solution for Cassandra and Kubernetes that we are calling K8ssandra [1]. A collection of everything needed to run Cassandra wrapped up neatly in a Helm [2] chart.

Stay tuned:

Behind the Tracks


Kubernetes Ecosystem

Docker, Kubernetes & Co

Microservices & Software Architecture

Maximize development productivity

Continuous Delivery & Automation

Build, test and deploy agile

Cloud Platforms & Serverless

Cloud-based & native apps

Monitoring, Traceability & Diagnostics

Handle the complexity of microservices applications


DevSecOps for safer applications

Business & Company Culture

Radically optimize IT

Organizational Change

Overcome obstacles on the road to DevOps

Live Demo #slideless

Showing how technology really works