This article discusses the challenges and pain points that may arise when migrating a legacy software application to the cloud from the ground up. I had the pleasure of being a part of such an adventure two years ago. The goal was to run a successful proof of concept by...
The growing market share of cloud systems clearly shows that an increasing number of software systems are being operated in the cloud. As a prerequisite, more and more developments are cloud-native. The term Dev(Ops) Experience Cloud-Native refers to "development for the cloud" and "deployment in the cloud." Sometimes it's difficult...
Software that stands the test of time is only as good as the process to build and maintain it. From ideation to maintenance, the processes should be understood and documented across your team, so that everyone works in the same way. The challenge here is how to define the process...
The first part of this article series dealt with the fundamental question of what culture is, how culture can be understood, and what impact culture has on the way we work in an organization. After this stocktaking, the second part deals with the question of how culture can be actively...
Agility has long been a topic in organizations of all sizes. In an environment of increasing complexity, agility can become a key competitive advantage. It's no wonder, then, that companies want to use agile frameworks to organize knowledge work. However, introducing techniques is not enough. Becoming truly agile as an...
Continuous delivery and infrastructure as code are mainstream, right? At least, many claim to practice it. If you don't do it, you're out - or at least falling behind. So taken to its logical conclusion, we should see a huge improvement in delivery speed in our IT world - and...
Kanban is an agile alternative that’s been receiving more and more attention in software development lately. Praised for its flexibility and simplicity, this method is known for the fact that instead of focusing on maximum utilization, it optimizes flow—the flow of work. We spoke with Agile coach Thomas Schissler about...
Scrum has become a symbol of enterprise agility. Agility and scrum are often used synonymously. But anyone who does Scrum is not automatically agile, even though the framework can serve as a path to agility. Strict adherence to the Agile Manifesto’s values is much more decisive.
Companies often have an extensive application landscape. Nevertheless, there’s often a desire or need to regularly put new versions of the products into production, either to deliver new features or to close security gaps. This article presents prerequisites for continuous deployment using a roadmap. We will address the challenges of...
When talking about successfully implementing software projects, Scrum as a framework paired with agile development is the current state of the art. You almost feel transported back to your teenage years, listening to schoolyard conversations about “the first time”. The comparison with agile development using Scrum isn’t so far-fetched. Everyone...